Sunday, September 26, 2010


View from my window

After two days of searching, I finally found a hotspot for free wireless internet in my apartment. It's pretty slow compare to home, but it's 36 times faster than what I have last night. The 1mb/second internet yesterday  cut me off from gmail when I wanted to let my mom know I'm safe. {even though the screen of the new camera that my dad got from a lucky draw got ruin.... :( :( :( }

Yesterday: no internet, broken camera screen, couldn't make phone calls from cell phone = sad Lisa
Today: Cleaner apartment, shopped for pillow and cushions = happier Lisa

I've got a lot more wanted to tell you, but I shall sleep now and be prepared for first day of work tomorrow!!

P.S. Thanks to Google Voice, I will be able to call U.S numbers for free until the end of 2010!! WOOT WOOT! For calling HK it's only US$0.02!


Polly said...

I'm so glad you are safe! I need your address so I can send you your quilt and iron(if you want).
So sad that your camera screen got ruined! I'm glad you have more to say because there is lots more we want to know! love you

Mary said...

You can text for free to america from your phones too...but skype is easier, and we can see each others face.

Becky Pitcher said...

Call me! Call me!
(952. 451. 5076)
Any time of day or night, even just to say "get on skype"

Nana B said...

So happy you are finally there and safe. Maybe it was for the best you had no internet, now your home is clean and put together. 1 job well done deserves ice cream - that's my motto and I'm sticking to it. Love you and miss you, Grandma

MARCIE said...

Lisa, you ARE in Japan! I am very slow! I'm glad you found the hot spot because I know you can't live without the internet!
You will be a wonderful teacher!