Friday, November 20, 2009


my friends and i went to a midnight showing of new moon last night. jacob was really sort of, beautiful. ;)

the movie theatre was packed (with girls!!!) ,
i was scared if anyone would jump in the line,
people would start yelling at each other. . .

oh, we waited for about 1 1/2 hour to get a good spot before it starts. . . .

Mary, i miss those days when we drove from here to montana...
& we took turn reading breaking dawn in the van....hehee, miss you!


Chris said...

I wanted to go to that so bad but I had a math test today so I decided that my exam was more important...I hope i was right! I can't wait to see it though.

Mary said...

the below was mary not my dad

Lisa said...


Nana B said...

okay, I'm so glad to hear that wasn't Chris, my son, who wanted to go see that movie, it is absolutely a teen girl thing and I was getting a little worried as I read that post

Polly said...

It isn't just a teen girl movie! Your not a teen, I'm not a teen. I'm going with Mary! I'm excited, you didn't even say if you liked it. Was it good, worth staying up super late for?

Lisa said...

I LOVED IT. :D Because it made want to read the books's cute...