Monday, December 13, 2010

postcards I

Classes have quieted down this past week, one of the reasons was that many 10th graders I teach have been flying to different places for their school trips (to taiwan, originally seoul then are now also going to taiwan, paris, uk(!), and australia....) 

Because of these trips,  there is a special schedule for the high school teachers. I was able to have some downtime to myself. And I came across this two Japanese blogs. (ぴよこ日和 & まんまるちゃん) If I am not mistaken, one of the bloggers had postcard exchange events!

Here are some fun postcards I found. The JP Post has a collection of postcards for each prefecture. Each postcard represents things/people or legend the prefecture is famous for.


I would really like to help out with these kind of marketing campaigns when I go back to Hong Kong. Or anywhere else. Designing for specific prefectures/cities are so much fun. Nowadays, emailing is relatively cheaper, safer and reaches the other person faster. But it is so special for me at receive something in the mail. 

A long letter, a sweet postcard, or a short phone call are something IM can never beat  :)


Mary said...

Those postcards are super cute, those would be fun to receive in the mail, I would hang them on my fridge for a long long time. I am going to Beckys for the next 1 1/2 you have off time, we should skype or IM always makes my day!

Polly said...

The last one is my favorite. I should send you something in the mail. I try to post Kathryn's pictures on the blog, but I can see one in the mail would be lots better.