Friday, December 4, 2009

there are so much to learn...

about this baby.

I believe i can do better than,
"this looks good", click... or, "i like this one"

Sometimes though, it's exciting when things happen in split seconds and
I was about to click it, and the frame is in my camera.

One day, soon...if i am able to tell people, "oh, i took this one with a high aperture, low shutter speed. It is iso 400, with a manual focus..."

I would feel very happy about this baby.

Getting the most of out mr. nikon is my goal. He's got so much potential!
Of course, he is only about 3 and 1/2 months old.

Still got a long way to go ;)


Becky Pitcher said...

daaaang, that is a huge lense. I am excited to see how photos turn out with it.

Becky Pitcher said...

Also, because he is your baby I think you should name him.

Chris said...

Your pictures are great, but your commentary that accompanies them is what makes them special to those who love you.