Monday, November 1, 2010

it's golden

If you know how the bottom of a pool looks like when it’s sunny…maybe you will know what I am trying to say here. That beautiful reflection in gold color was on my office window today.

I looooooove the light around five to seven in the afternoon. It’s beautiful this second, and next second it’s gone. That’s why it’s even more precious, magical and beautiful.

Around five o'clock was the time to get home from school when I was in high school in Hong Kong. I remember trying to catch my favorite radio show every day after school after saying goodbye to my friends at the bus stop.

I have started to get used to life here in Okinawa, and the more time I have worked with the students, the more I thought about my own high school days. I miss hanging out with everybody and just be upset with simple things and then forgetting about it.

Life was so simple then. Well, it's really not that complicated for me these days either. It's great and I enjoy being simple. Anyways, that pretty golden light and shadows on the window I saw today encouraged me to write to you.

Hope all is well,

p.s. I am loving the weather here in Okinawa... I can finally smell the crisp autumn breeze! It's getting chilly! p.p.s. Debate contest will be on this coming Wednesday, and that means there will be no more working until 9pm! Happy November!


Mary said...

How cold does it get there, stays pretty warm right?
Happy you are having fun!

Chris said...

A very lovely, mind wandering sort of post. Your already starting to get sentimental, and only 22!

Love dad

Becky Pitcher said...

Oh Lisa, I love you.
I'm glad that at least parts of your day are perfectly golden.
I miss you.
And now I will think about you at the golden hour. (Which is what Travis calls the time of day when the sun is setting or rising)